A Week in Blessings

Leopard lizard
This guy is wearing leopard print, too. Used under Creative Commons license. Photo by Matt Reinbold.

Because it’s too easy to forget the good stuff and remember the bad stuff, here’s my list of blessings this week.

(New weekly feature! Assuming ya’ll like it and participate. Yep, I’m talking to you, lurkers. I see you in my hit counts. Say “hi.” I won’t bite.)

I had Monday off.

I wore a sheer leopard blouse and felt sexy.

I had lunch with a new friend, and she’d heard of Silver Dollar City.

I found out my book is going to be a William Morrow book club pick.

I sat too long at a restaurant with my best pal just because we liked talking to each other.

My dad and my brother had a birthday.

I ran in the mountains.

I went to an outdoor theater in the woods, and the air smelled like conifers and leaf litter.

What were your blessings this week?



