Eric Stone, yours truly and Julie Swayze at Metropolis Books less than a month before closing. (Taken by holding the camera out and hoping for the best.)One of my favorite independent bookstore in Los Angeles, Metropolis Books, will be closing at the end of this month. I’m heartbroken. My friend Julie owns the store. She was a friend before this wonderful gathering place in one of downtown’s up-and-coming neighborhoods began, she was a friend during its lifetime and she’ll be a friend after. But I’ll miss the store with its cheery pumpkin-colored walls and great art.
I went to visit on Friday along with writer pal, Eric Stone. We took this photo, Eric and I were interviewed for a documentary about the store’s closing and then we bought some books. You should go buy some books, too. The whole stock is going at a huge discount. Tell Julie I sent you and that we’ll miss her something awful.