Hey, want to read the first chapter?

Photo by Mo Riza. Used under Creative Commons license.

If you’re a newsletter subscriber, you already read the first chapter a whole month ago. You’re like “whatever man, I am in the know.” But if you’re not a newsletter subscriber, then you can click here to read the whole, entire, complete, uncut first chapter of Losing Clementine right now.

Also, you might want to ask yourself why you waited so long. You might not want to wait so long in the future. In that case, sign up there on the right for the newsletter. It comes out just a couple times a year. And it has absolutely everything first, including excerpts from upcoming books, info on new releases, details on my book tour, you name it. Also I promise not to sell your e-mail address to anyone, especially that guy who needs your help wiring money from Nigeria if only you’ll hand over your credit card number.



