Stock Signings

There are bookstore signings where you go and give a talk and mingle with readers, and then there are the drop-in kind where you sign their stock, chat with the employees and – if you’re me – give them little bouquets made of See’s lollipops. (Best drop-in author ever!)

My momma told me not to write in my books. Oops.

(More photos after the jump.)

Today, I stopped in at Vroman’s in Pasadena (along with B&N in Old Town Pasadena, not pictured) and signed a few copies of LOSING CLEMENTINE. (Hi, Allison! Hi, Sarah!)

So this is what the backroom of a bookstore looks like…goofy face not included.

This is me being goofy in the back office, scribbling in books like my momma told me not to. You could go to either of those stores to get yourself a signed copy or come to Skylight Books in Los Feliz on Friday for my launch party. (Hi, Mary!)

I love bookstore staff.



