I just read my writer pal Kelli Stanley’s recent blog post on how to bring on her muse, which implies – nay! states! – she knows how to do this. She has tricks, techniques, tried-and-true methods. She has a whole freaking list.
I have no list. I wish I had a list, a plan, a hint, a glimmer. Jesus Christ on toast, give me something!
All I have is this:
- Get up. Pour coffee. Sit down at computer.
- Think about writing right away. No distractions. No sir-ee.
- Remember the otter-a-day blog with cute pictures. Decide that’s a better way to start the day.
- Check e-mail.
- Consider free shipping offer in e-mail. Spend twenty minutes on-line browsing for things I won’t buy.
- Check e-mail.
- See other writer friend is on instant messaging. Chat.
- Chat.
- Chat.
- Check e-mail.
- Feel guilty for not updating blog more often.
- Open current work in progress (WIP).
- Get more coffee.
- Check e-mail.
- Go to lunch.
- Check e-mail.
- Worry that current WIP is utter piece of dog doody.
- Check to see if there’s another otter photo up. There isn’t.
- Check e-mail.
- Write one paragraph.
- Sigh.
- Look at clock.
- Remember deadline.
- Panic.
- Write two pages with sweat dripping down face.
- Switch to soda pop.
- Write two more pages like tail is on fire.
- Realize this isn’t so bad. Wonder if this is what a muse feels like.
- Look at clock.
- Panic more.
- Write, write, write, write, write.
- Finish day’s word count. Sit in chair panting.
- Feel the need for après amore ciggy. Remember I don’t smoke.
- Check e-mail.