Guess what? My publisher is letting me give you guys a holiday gift. Anyone who signs up for my newsletter in the month of December gets the whole first chapter of LOSING CLEMENTINE sent to them for free. This is way before you can preview it on Amazon, before you can download a sample for your Kindle, before it appears anywhere. Happy holidays from me to you.
Here’s what you do. Look over there to the right. In the sidebar, you’ll see “First Chapter Free!” There’s a field to type in your e-mail address. Do that and then hit the “Gimme” button. You’ll get an e-mail letting you know you signed up for my newsletter. Confirm that’s what you want to do. (That’s important.) Then within 24 hours, I’ll send you the first chapter of LOSING CLEMENTINE via e-mail.
If you like it, you can pre-order it from Amazon, Barnes & Nobel or your local indie. You should tell your friends about the free gift, too. The more, the merrier.
Happy holidays!